Working-class UK: will Brexit bring change? | Focus on Europe DW News 4:43 8 years ago 3 062 Далее Скачать
Sadiq Khan to argue for Britain to rejoin EU single market because Brexit is 'not working' 🗞 GBNews 2:29 1 year ago 5 380 Далее Скачать
Brexit: UK’s Cameron misjudged working class sentiment Al Jazeera English 2:13 8 years ago 4 628 Далее Скачать
How will Brexit impact London as Europe’s leading financial hub? euronews 2:31 4 years ago 10 206 Далее Скачать
Brexit Is a Great Opportunity to Reboot U.K. Economy: Netwealth's Lyons Bloomberg Television 4:00 5 years ago 6 628 Далее Скачать
How will Brexit affect the UK’s service-based economy? | London Business School London Business School 1:58 7 years ago 907 Далее Скачать
For Brexit protesters, a larger issue is at stake: democracy PBS NewsHour 4:50 5 years ago 14 497 Далее Скачать
1-in-3 chance of recession after Brexit even with deal, Bank of England warns Channel 4 News 9:02 5 years ago 111 187 Далее Скачать
Brexit: why economists think UK will be poorer after leaving EU | FT Financial Times 3:33 5 years ago 152 183 Далее Скачать
Expert: UK small businesses should hold their nerve amid Brexit talks | Squawk Box Europe CNBC International News 5:07 5 years ago 1 304 Далее Скачать
People's vote marchers: ‘Brexit is not done by a long way’ The Guardian 7:05 5 years ago 66 879 Далее Скачать
Theresa May warns that parliament must agree a deal to deliver Brexit Guardian News 2:16 5 years ago 310 552 Далее Скачать
UK and EU hold last minute Brexit talks days before deadline Channel 4 News 6:48 4 years ago 58 373 Далее Скачать
What would be the impact of a no-deal Brexit? - Talking Europe, episode 15 Birkbeck, University of London 16:14 3 years ago 258 Далее Скачать